Theme Song: “Freaking Out” Adema
Signature Maneuvers: The Tatsuke Special, The Senior Discount, Hammerfist Spongebath
Height: 5’10
Weight: 175 lbs.
From: Lakeside Lutheran Home, Emmetsburg, IA
Currently Residing: US Army Base, Ft. Bliss,
Representing: Phillip Morris and associates
When you think of the world’s premier martial artists (which, face it, you do all the time), what names come to mind? Bruce Lee? Mr. Miyagi? Chuck Norris?
Well, fuck all of those no-talent losers…the MAN is here. His name:
Steve McGahan, otherwise known as the Nursing Home Ninja. Yes, he is inarguably
Trained by reknowned TaeKwonDo master and passable high school geometry teacher,
Tatsuke Menneke, NHN brought the deadly arts of the orient to a small farm on the northern-most borders of Iowa to INFLICT SOME DAMAGE, and that he did. When he wasn’t busy smoking, or working.
NHN employed his intimate knowledge of strikes, holds, and Tony’s body cavities, to devestate the opposition
in UHW. He came in initially as a cameraman, but he eschewed his duties in favor
of kicking the shit out of his younger cohorts, and UHW booker GOD!!! decided that he’d better start booking this guy,
lest He, too, be kicked.
When not wrestling on straw piles, the Ninja was employed at the Lakeside Lutheran Elderly Care facility, hence his
namesake. He used his incredible fighting skills to intimidate the residents
into compliance, killing legions of old people for being mentally unsound or for not being able to control their bowels.
NHN joined his comrade, T.Itty, in the Carcinogen Connection, and dominated UHW tag team competition. He later formed the Menneke Ministry, in honor of his sensei, Tatsuke.
Several times, he held the Funky Cowboy Hat Filled With Non-Dairy Creamer
Championship, most notably gaining it by winning the prestigious MOONSHINE Super Fag Cup Tournament.
Despite being a formidable opponent, NHN had a great many downfalls that prevented him from achieving his potential
in UHW. For one, he smokes like a chimney.
Seriously, the guy was known to light up after tagging out. Additionally,
his love of video games often got in the way of his quest for wrestling glory. These
two diversions, along with a hectic work schedule, caused NHN to go on several long hiatuses, but after a few months, he always
returned to UHW, rising from the ashes (of his cigarettes) like a Phoenix, to reign down a flurry of furious Samurai kicks
on his competition.
In summation, NHN is a god amongst men. With a ponytail.
Being that Mr. McGahan is now killing terrorists in Iraq, it seems fitting that his heroism should be mentioned here.
So, without further ado, here is...
(Not actually what Steve told me in his e-mail...but what he should have)
"Well, I was marching down the street today, strapped with my AK and my flaming ninja sword and
my exploding porcupine, SHOPPING for knock-off Rolexes, when some big-nosed face-covered Paki terrorist bitch attacked me
with her shark-toothed vagina and tried to swallow me thru her lower regions and make my soul unfit to enter Valhalla, but
I am STEVE MOTHERFUCKING MCGAHAN and I AM NOT HAVING THAT SHIT so I concentrated my chi and made my fist start on fire, then
I punched it thru her chest (melting her sagging, heathen breasts off in the process) and tore out her heart and ate it so
that I could absorb her terrorist powers. Then I bought a pretty yellowish shawl with flowers on it and sent it to my