

"The Voice of UHW"


Theme: Dropkick Murphys “Fightstarter Karaoke”

Signature Maneuvers: FireWaterBomb, Legdrop of DOOM!!!, Puffin Arrow (Not quite majestic enough to be a “Falcon Arrow”), the Distillation Chamber

Height: 6’2                            Weight: 170 lbs.

From: The Distillery, just outside of Emmetsburg, IA

Currently Residing: Ft. Worth, Texas

Hairstyle: Hippie/Fag


                From the original UHW website:

“Kevin Stillman never wanted to be in UHW.  Kevin Stillman hasn’t liked professional wrestling since he was in 7th grade.  Kevin Stillman only has one kidney, so any hard-hitting physicality is a health risk, anyway.  So why is Kevin in UHW?  What’s more, if Kevin doesn’t like wrestling, why was he the UHW Funky Cowboy Hat champion for a whole year?  I’ll tell you why…because Kevin Stillman is easily convinced to do things that he’ll later regret.  Kevin Stillman listened to his best friend, Grant, when Grant said that all he wanted Kevin to do was be a cameraman/commentator.  Kevin foolishly believed Grant when he said that they’d be careful when wrestling in his bedroom.  Kevin ate up every word of Grant’s speech about how Kevin “wouldn’t have to take any bumps if he wrestled.”  Kevin even bought into Grant’s spiel about how there “wouldn’t be any pressure” if he felt like quitting UHW for any reason.  So, here’s Kevin, nearly a year and a half later, still wrestling every time there’s a UHW show, even though he has no desire to do so and has tried to quit on more than one occasion.  That’s what friends are for.  That, and breaking your mom’s car windshield.”


The man known as MOONSHINE was, like most of UHW, one of GOD!!!'s best friends in high school.  An avid fan of British sketch comedy, bad 80’s movies, and soda can golf, MOONSHINE really had no reason to be in UHW, other than that he provided hilarity in the form of brilliant commentary, and he liked to beat up little guys like the Agent and T.Itty. 

MOONSHINE debuted alongside all of his friends at Bodycount 2002 and quickly dominated the competition, proving once and for all the reality of pro wrestling.  Kevin won the UHW Funky Cowboy Hat filled with Non-Dairy Creamers championship at that show, and retained it without interruption until his final show in late 2002.  The title was then won by the Nursing Home Ninja at the invitational tournament held in Kevin’s honor. 

For two or three shows, it seemed as if Kevin might have actually been retired.  But no, Grant wouldn’t allow that.  Like any street gang, you don’t leave the UHW family.  You’re in for life.  So, like the obedient one-kidneyed puppy that he is, Kevin came skulking back into UHW at the aptly titled show, HOMO-CIDE.  

He remained in UHW for another two or three shows, then re-retired after defeating the Agent, NHN, Frosty the Fascist Fisherman, and TripleKent, in a guantlet match for the eternal rights to the title of “Funky Cowboy Hat Champion,” at the “Ragnarok’n’Roll” show.  This was to be both MOONSHINE and NHN’s last show, as MOONSHINE had to go to his high school play practices, and NHN’s allergies barred him from competition in UHW’s new “barn loft” arena.

MOONSHINE Stillman left behind a legacy of hilarity in UHW, which shines through in all of his brilliantly offbeat commentary, and—at least in the early days—was actually one of the better wrestlers. 

But he still looks like a goddamn hippie faggot.

Ingenius Non-Sequitor Quotes:

                “Sweet dreams are made of these…who am I to disagree…traveled the world and the seven seas…everybody’s waiting for wrestling…”  (as filler for a ridiculous amount of deadtime during a match)


                “…And just there, you got a close up shot of the mouth that’s pleased more men than Phil Collins…”


                “What is this sinister writing, and what is this sinister language that we see here?  Why, it’s bite-sized candies…of the SKITTLES variety!  SKITTLES…the greatest thing that money can buy; beyond sex, beyond drugs…SKITTLES!”


                “Oh my god, he’s taken out his ponytail, and entered into Super-Badass-Wolverine-Super-Badass-Steve mode!”


                “Grant has finally arrived, just in time for his match…[which was] scheduled so as to take place after the S Club 7 Marathon…”


                “…And as you can plainly see, something terrible going on…and no, I’m not referring to the action in the ring, I’m talking about that drywall job!  Shoddy workmanship!”


                “…Have you ever noticed how Bruce Wayne always shows up just after Batman has left?  Weird…”


                “…And that move was fucked-up, much like those old episodes of Gilligan’s Island…did you ever see those, where it was just “and the rest?”  Man, that was FUCKED UP…”


                “…This concludes our broadcast, please stay tuned for Jim Henson’s muppet babies…”


                “…I wouldn’t know, I wasn’t at the last show.”  (In response to T.Itty claiming to have beaten all of the members of LSD)


                “In the immortal words of Belinda Carlisle, ‘Ooh, Heaven is a place on earth.’ And of course it is…it’s right here, just outside of Cylinder, Iowa…”


                “…Certainly a small price to pay, for the sweet and sultry taste of Mt. Dew…To the winner go the spoils…and the band-aids…and a fair amount of the hospitalization…he really did win, didn’t he?”


                “…And Scotland has lost a hero today.” (After Frosty the Norse Scot got powerbombed on the top of his head)